
Harness the power of better, more predictable cash flow on your terms. Enroll online in just

Billd is a financial solutions provider that supports commercial subcontractors by addressing some of their biggest cash flow challenges. Their products are uniquely tailored to the needs of construction businesses, allowing business owners to take on more projects and achieve their goals.

Material financing offers contractors 120-day terms to pay for commercial construction materials. Billd will purchase the materials from any supplier upfront and in cash, allowing contractors to pay them back once paid. By providing more flexible repayment terms than is standard, Billd prevents contractors from missing out on projects due to cash flow.

Contractors can also use Billd to get paid sooner on their pay apps, allowing them to cover labor and operational costs without the stressful burden of delays. The Pay App Advance feature was designed to help commercial subcontractors speed up the repayment cycle, eliminate pesky receivable balances, and keep operations running smoothly.

Billd Story

Billd was started by Christopher Doyle and Jesse Weissburg, industry veterans in both construction and finance. Chris and Jesse were inspired to launch Billd to bring the financial power of Wall Street to the construction job site and to champion the subcontractor, a group that’s historically gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to construction payments. Billd’s suite of payment solutions allow subcontractors to bypass project hurdles with access to extended payment terms for materials and faster payment on invoices. With a deep understanding of the construction industry, Billd knows traditional credit metrics are poor predictors for risk in this vertical segment and has built a variety of industry-specific proprietary analytic tools to better assess risk in the construction industry.

Contractors: How It Works

Material Financing

Contractors can purchase commercial materials upfront and pay for them later in 4 simple steps:

  1. Enroll online
  2. Upload a project and a material invoice to Billd’s simple online portal
  3. Billd will purchase materials in full
  4. Pay Billd back upon payment up to 120 days

Pay App Advance

To get paid for projects sooner using Pay App Advance, upload a GC-approved pay app. Funds are wired to your bank account as soon as next day. Once you’re paid by the GC you can quickly and easily settle your account online.

What Makes Billd Different from Banks and Lenders?

Billd is a construction company led by subject matter experts with extensive experience in the industry. They believe contractors are the backbone of the economy, so they deserve to be treated as such:

  • Construction Expertise: They specialize in funding construction, while banks or lenders fund more broadly, making Bild more knowledgeable on industry-specific challenges and circumstances.
  • Real Partnership: Billd takes the time to understand the unique needs of your business and tailors solutions to your immediate needs. Projects at all stages will be considered along with your short and long-term business goals when crafting recommendations.
  • Flexible Credit Line: While banks or lenders may scrutinize your financial past, Billd looks towards your future. Your credit line with Billd will adapt to the needs of your growing pipeline.

If you work with them, they promise to connect you with a real person who understands your industry and works together to grow and meet your business goals on your terms.

Whether you are a contractor or a material supplier in the construction industry, let Billd help you grow your business. Enroll with Billd today.

Billd Customer Success Stories

Billd is proud of its company and its ability to help others. Explore a few of their success stories.

Castle Black

Castle Black struggled with less-than-optimal repayment terms relying on capital reserves and lines of credit. Billd stepped in to help with its funding options. Most of the funding issues were resolved within several months, and the company expanded into other states.


CitiGreen struggled with projects that came in groups while their credit lines wouldn’t allow them to make the purchases needed to complete the projects. Billd has allowed the company to purchase from new vendors to meet all their projects’ needs.