Citibank Personal Loans

Citibank Quick Cash and Citibank Ready Credit PayLite
  • 4.55% to 4.94% p.a. Interest Rate and 8.50% to 9.00% p.a. EIR for loan tenures of 12 – 36 months
  • 5.72% to 5.79% p.a. Interest Rate and 10.50% p.a. EIR for loan tenures of 4 – 5 years
  • $1,000 minimum loan amount
  • Borrow up to 4x monthly salary
  • No processing fees
  • 1 hour approval time (for applications submitted before 5pm)
  • Suitable for borrowers who are looking for small personal loans with short loan tenures
  • Best rates for 3-year loans: Low 4.55% p.a. Interest Rate and 8.50% EIR for 3-year loan tenures

Citibank personal loans are most suitable for borrowers who are looking for small personal loans with a short loan tenure of 3 years. For loan tenures of 12 – 36 months, interest rates range around 4.55% to 4.94% p.a. and EIR is around 8.50% to 9.00% p.a., with the lowest rates available for 3-year loans. This is one of the lower and more competitive rates as compared to other banks in Singapore. For example, taking a 3 year loan from Citibank will have an interest rate of 4.55% p.a. and an effective interest rate of 8.50% p.a.. Other loan tenures have slightly higher interest rates, such as 5.79% p.a. interest rate and 10.50% p.a. EIR for a 5-year tenure.

Citibank offers loans to both Singaporeans and foreigners. Singaporeans need to have a minimum annual income of $30,000 while foreigners need a minimal annual income of $42,000.

Aside from the rather attractive rates for smaller loans and shorter loan tenures, Citibank does provide loan tenures of 4 – 5 years. Interest rates will range from 5.72% to 5.79% p.a. and EIR will be at 10.50% p.a.. Minimum loan amount is at $1,000 and borrowers can obtain up to 4x of their monthly salaries. Approval time is said to be an hour, as long as the loan application is made before 5pm.